Steady & Strong Exercise Class
September 16, 2024

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Physical activity, including strength and balance, is vital for healthy ageing

Steady and Strong classes teach exercises to improve strength and balance which help you to live independently and actively for longer. The exercises in the classes also help to prevent falls. They can help you with everyday actions such as:

  • Getting out of a chair, a car or a bath
  • Picking things up from the floor
  • Walking up and down stairs
  • Staying steady when walking

All Steady and Strong instructors are specially trained to teach exercises which help to prevent falls in older people.

Class information

The class is 1 hour. It consists of a warm-up, strengthening and balance exercises, some fitness and coordination exercises, followed by a cool down. We have refreshments and a chat afterwards.

What to wear 

  • Loose, comfortable clothing
  • Trousers rather than a skirt or a dress
  • Flat-heeled shoes that provide support and grip
  • Layers so that you can remove a layer as you get warmer.

What to bring 

Bottle of water

Light snack

Any medications you may need that have been prescribed to you e.g. sprays or inhalers. 

Top tip: Avoid eating for an hour.


Paula Haidon

Mob: 07504 428 471


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