The WBTP (Whitehill Bordon Town Partnership) was originally formed at the time when the town’s expansion and development was at a very early stage, under review and discussion and at that time was known as Town Action Plan and comprised members of the community, groups and councillors.
Back in the day there was a thought that WBTP would benefit from being a registered charity and as part of that train of thought Whitehill Bordon Town Partnership Limited was registered with Companies House.
However it wasn’t possible to align the aims and objectives of the group with the then requirements of the Charities Commission, so the limited company was dissolved – it never traded, issued an invoice, received any payment or had a bank account – it was cancelled “ab-initio” as they say.
More recently given the general alignment of aims and objectives between the WBCA (Whitehill Bordon Community Association) and WBTP (Whitehill Bordon Town Partnership) and the significant overlap of officers and volunteers, WBCA & WBTP have joined forces under the WBCA banner/umbrella.
Efforts are underway to convert WBCA from a ‘normal’ charity to a CIO which will better suit what we do and how we do it.
The Sports & Leisure group is currently working on several primary tasks:
Over the next 2 decades, expected growth in the local residential population will see a marked increase in the demands on leisure and sport activities. How, when and where these needs are delivered/realised is currently not defined in detail.
It is however the case that the retention and expansion of leisure and sports facilities is a priority with the key ‘Partners’ responsible for planning and delivering development - this includes ; EHDC, HCC, MOD/DIO, WBRC (Whitehill & Bordon Regeneration Company).
As a ‘body’ the Sport & Leisure group are in touch with the ‘Partners’ so we’re in a position to express your views and opinions.
While things are being built/developed there are a wide range of former facilities & buildings used by the Garrison which are available for rent/use etc. If you’re interested please
email us.
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Whitehill & Bordon Community Association
Charity Number 287769 | Registered Address: Forest Community Centre, Pinehill Road, Bordon, GU35 0BS
WBCA also operates the Forest Community Centre and Whitehill & Bordon Town Partnership
Registered with the ICO.
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