The Future of Whitehill Club
October 31, 2024

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Here’s a bit more information about the future development & use of the Whitehill Club site on the A325 just south of Bordon towards Greatham. In the dim distant past the club and grounds supported, cricket, outdoor bowls, football, darts, other indoor leisure activities and more recently archery.

The fire (almost 25 years ago) was followed by an attempt to rebuild the club house, but this failed due to funding and insurance issues, although it did get as far as seeing the main slab and steel frame works being erected. The designs and plans for the replacement were all passed through the local authorities and, subject to funding being found, will be resurrected substantially using the original planning permission and subsequent building regulations inspection in 2003 +/-.

During 2021 the ownership of the club site was legally transferred from the trustees of the old Whitehill Club to the Whitehill Bordon Town Partnership and its parent organisation the Whitehill Bordon Community Association. Since that time work has begun in the background, working towards getting the site back into community use for leisure & recreation use. 

There is an online survey allowing local residents & employers have their say, and we’d encourage everyone to complete it if you are a local resident. We’ve had been nearly 500 responses to date, but there’s always room for more. The survey form also provides you with the opportunity to sign up for any future information updates.

All enquiries should be directed to

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